Best Gifts for Dog Lovers

Best Gifts for Dog Lovers

Since pets are the new babies, odds are you have a crazy dog person on your holiday gift list this year. As an over-the-top dog lover, myself, I am here to share ideas on what kind of gifts will hit the mark along with some of my favorites I've received. There are basically three categories that will go straight to the heart with these people and get them to possibly put you in their will or at least make you the executor of their estate that will be inherited by their dog.

Dog Spoiling

There are two ways to spoil a dog. The first is food. The second is anything that makes them look cute. The second one may be more for the parent, but the result is the same. Below are my favorites in this category.

The Farmers Dog food subscription

This one is a little pricey but it’s high on the list of spoiling my dog. And honestly, it’s not spoiling them because it’s incredibly healthy food that in my case helped my dog instantly lose weight. I guess the “spoiling” comes into play because of the price tag. Depending on your dogs breed its anywhere from $85 to $300 a month. I honestly thought I’d try this and likely switch out because it wouldn’t be worth it, but it is so worth it. I saw all the key markers of a healthier dog…weight loss, more energy, smaller poops (too much?) and the thing I saw that made me realize I was never switching was that my dog, a beagle who never smiles, smiles like crazy every time I feed her now. I love it! The Farmers Dog tagline is “Long Live Dogs” and I gotta say nothing will make a dog lover feel like you get them than giving them a gift that may help their dog live longer.

The Foggy Dog

This is a dog boutique store that focused on creating functional products with beautiful design and they nailed it. As a beagle owner, I don’t go too far down the path of buying clothes, accessories, etc. for my dog because they aren’t really fans. But when I look at that space, I don’t see a lot of quality, nicely designed options. The Foggy Dog is the exception. I would proudly display all their products in my home. I bought a gorgeous dog bed from them that looked beautiful in my family room and we’re currently using their Flax Marine leash and collar which is beautifully designed and strong enough to keep my stubborn beagle in check on walks. And all their clothing options are very stylish as well. Anything from here would make your dog lover swoon.


Sentimental Gifts

Sentimentality goes a long way with dog lovers. If getting your dog lover to cry when they open their gift is your aim, then the gift ideas below are for you.


One of my favorite gifts ever was two gold necklaces. One had a petite “P” and the other had a petite “M”. The P was for Penny my current dog and the M was for Marty my last dog who passed in 2018. Wow, nothing could have prepared me for how attached to these necklaces I have become. I never take them off. I show them to everyone I meet. And sometimes I cry when I am randomly touch them during the day. There are a lot of other options in this camp as well but if you know the jewelry style of your dog lover and can make it about their dog then you have won Christmas.

Pet Portraits

Dog lovers looooove pictures of their pets. Just look at any of their phones and the pics in there will be 98% useless dog pics they refuse to delete. You can take this to the next level and get them a portrait they can adorn their wall with and they’ll love it! This could be any service who will take a picture of their dog and turn it into a beautiful print, a painter who will create a custom portrait, or a session with a photographer who will capture some beautiful pictures to last forever. Anything that will help them celebrate their dog and proudly show everyone who walks into their home is a slam dunk gift.


Helping Other Dogs

Dog lovers also hate the thought of any dog not getting to live the life their dog is, so giving them a gift that supports animals would also be a big win. And you get to cover off on two things they love since it's usually a gift outside the pet world.

Love Ani- for makeup lovers

Love Ani is a new purpose driven makeup brand dedicated to furthering the cruelty free movement. They give 15% of their profits to support organizations on the front lines helping animals as well. They have an essentials kit that includes a Forever Shadow palette with 20 shades, a Puppy Dog Eyes black mascara, and an Unleashed pink lip stick. All staples any makeup lover will welcome especially if they love dogs. And you gotta love those nods to dogs in their product names.


Grounds and Hounds – for coffee lovers

I’ve been drinking Grounds and Hounds for five years and it is really good coffee. They donate 20% of their profits to help shelters, etc. You sign up for a subscription that costs $30 for two bags of coffee, and they just magically show up when you need them, as outlined in your preferred delivery schedule. So if you have a crazy dog person who drinks coffee this is sure to put a smile on your dog lovers face.

Follow these tips and your dog lover will absolutely love their gift, feel like you get them and that you support their pet parent lifestyle. 



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